
Eligibility Requirements

Age: 55 to 70 years of age (both inclusive)

Retirement Account (RA) Savings: Less than the current Basic Retirement Sum (BRS). The BRS for 2021 is $93,000.

Average Monthly Income: Not more than $4,000

Annual Value of Residence: Not more than $13,000

Property Ownership: Own not more than one property

Please refer to the MRSS Criteria to check your eligibility or you can approach our Brighton CPF grant team to assist you.

English Ministry: Joann Lee 92303884

Pastor Sally Tan: 98367863

Chinese Ministry: Faith Kee, Eunice Tan, Lim Chau Yong

To apply, please click this link:

新加坡政府于 2021 年推出了退休户头配对填补计划 (Matched Retirement Savings Scheme, MRSS), 希望帮助公积金退休存款不足的年长者。年龄介于55岁到70岁的会员,只要公积金退休户头的存款少过基本退休存款,月入不超过4000元,名下没有超过一个房地产,并且住宅年值不超过1万3000元,就能够加入这项计划。计划将从2021年延续到2025年,公积金局每年会向符合条件的会员发送电邮、简讯或信函,通知他们加入计划。

圣光基督教会希望帮助我们当中的年长会员们获得这项公积金配对补助金。因此,我们将在今年为有资格申请MRSS 的年长会员们填补S$600进入公积金退休户头。

您可以从CPF 网站查询是否符合条件申请MRSS,或者您可以联系圣光公积金填补计划委员- 秀玉姐妹、丽琳姐妹或朝荣弟兄。
