Most people's difficulties with Christianity are emotional rather than intellectual. Christianity sounds sensible and even appealing, yet we hold back because of our fears. In this series, we will explain how such fears can be addressed and how other people with similar concerns have managed to overcome them
One major obstacle that stops many of us from accepting Christianity is the fear that it would introduce conflict into our closest relationships. That’s why today’s message will explain not only how we can manage this fear, but also why taking that first step of faith yourself is potentially the best thing you could do for your loved ones.
1. How have you or any members of your family been saved through the actions and words of other family members?
2. Who are some family members or loved ones who have yet to become Christians? What can you do intentionally to help them to take small steps towards that goal?
3. Do you know anyone who holds back from following Christ because they fear the objections of loved ones? How will you encourage them to overcome this obstacle?
Some people feel that they are too sinful and unworthy to be accepted by a holy God. At first sight, this appears to be a response of humility, but it actually reveals a wrong understanding of both self as well as God. In this message, we will learn why we feel this way, and how the gospel completely addresses this objection.
1. To what extent has familiarity with Christianity eroded your sense of unworthiness before a holy God? In what ways do you observe yourself and others failing to regard God as the utterly righteous and awesome being that he is?
2. Why are we so prone to relying on works righteousness (rather than grace righteousness)? In what ways do you find works righteousness creeping into your thoughts and actions?
3. According to the sermon, what are some beneficial effects of receiving God’s forgiveness? Are you experiencing these benefits in your life?
We live in an age which views commitment as something to be avoided at all costs. However, blindly embracing non-commitment can be just as costly, and in fact, it is self-contradicting, because the commitment not to be committed is itself a commitment. That’s why in today’s message, Pastor Tiak will talk about the nature of commitment and, and about a cause truly worth committing our lives to.
1. How has the fear of greater commitment to God stopped you from doing what you know he wants you to do? How have you tried to rationalise away such fears?
2. What benefits of being committed to Christ have you personally experienced?
3. What drives you to be committed as a Christian? How much of it is guilt, fear or pressure rather than grace?