Promises Made, Promises Kept
About This Series

The birth of Christ was something that was clearly promised and eagerly anticipated for centuries. This Christmas, we take a fresh look at a few of the numerous prophecies that so amazingly and accurately predicted the most important event in world history.

December 10, 2021
Son of a Woman
Part 1 of Promises Made, Promises Kept
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  1. God achieved his salvation plan not by overpowering the devil but by using his own scheme to defeat him. What are some setbacks or frustrations in your life which you cannot understand? What does the Christmas story say to you?
  2. How is the incarnation distinct from all the other miracles ? How does the Christmas story speak to your doubts about God’s love for you?
  3. Jesus did not just come to restore the status quo; he came to give us a massive upgrade by recreating us in his own image. How does the Christmas story speak to your fears and hopes?
December 23, 2021
Son of a Virgin
Part 2 of Promises Made, Promises Kept
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat
Sermon Audio
  1. Why is it illogical to simply dismiss the virgin birth of Jesus as a non-essential event? What does it mean for you if the virgin birth of Jesus is real?
  2. Sometimes we have to bear the consequences of other people’s sinful actions. In what ways have you personally experienced that? How does the Christmas story comfort you in your situation?
  3. The virgin birth of Jesus tells us that salvation is God’s gift to us. How does knowing that you do not need to work for your salvation set you free from fear and anxiety? What motivates us to live a transformed life for God?
Son of Man
Part 3 of Promises Made, Promises Kept
BY Pastor Tan Li Kai
Sermon Audio
  1. The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. In what tangible ways can you follow the example of the humility of Jesus Christ’s incarnation on earth, putting aside all His heavenly glory, and do likewise, putting aside your preferences to love people around you?
  2. The Son of Man came on Christmas day as a baby but will return on the Final Judgment as a glorious King. How are you living your life in response to the tender love of our Saviour and King knowing that your eternal citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven while you live your life out here on earth?
  3. The Son of Man was crucified because He claimed to be God – able to forgive sins and give eternal life. As a believer, once you have understood the seeming absurdity of the ease of receiving God’s grace of salvation, how has that helped you to demonstrate profound gratitude to Jesus through your life?