Privacy Policy


This is a quick summary of our Privacy Policy. If you are interested in the details, they can be found in the rest of this document.

  1. We will never sell your personal information, period.
  2. We will collect, use and disclose your personal information only with your consent.
  3. We will collect, use and disclose your personal information only for purposes which are reasonably necessarily to keep you informed about the church and for carrying out the ministry of the church.
  4. If you attend any of our church events, you may be captured on the photographic/video images which we record, and we may use such images for ministry or promotional purposes, as well as on social media or other church publications.
  5. We will take reasonable steps to safeguard the security and accuracy of the personal information which we collect.

1. Introduction

1.1. Brighton Community Church (“BCC”) is committed to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “PDPA”) in the collection, use and disclosure of personal data as defined by the PDPA. This Privacy Policy (“this Policy”) aims to set out the specific steps that BCC will take in this regard.

1.2. BCC reserves the right to amend this Policy from time to time, and in such manner as it deems necessary in its absolute discretion. Such amendments will take effect immediately upon posting on BCC’s website.

2. Methods of Collection of Personal Data

2.1. The manner in which BCC may collect personal data, whether verbally, on paper or electronically, include but are not limited to the following,: 2.1.1. Applications submitted by an individual to BCC, such as for membership or events and activities organised or managed by BCC;

2.1.2. Information submitted through the Church’s Connect Cards, including any requests for prayer which may be included;

2.1.3. Response to a request for visitors’ information so as to enable the Church to contact or communicate with them;

2.1.4. Inquiries made by individuals with the staff or representatives of BCC in relation to the operations, ministry or beliefs of the Church;

2.1.5. Donations to BCC by cheque or electronic means;

2.1.6. Personal data submitted for the purpose of applying for employment; and

2.1.7. Personal data submitted for the purpose of volunteering or participating in activities organised by BCC with our Strategic Partners.

2.2. The Strategic Partners of BCC for the time being are: 2.2.1. Brighton Connection;

2.2.2. Bartley Christian Church;

2.2.3. Riverlife Church;

2.2.4. Kingdom Community Church.

3. Your Personal Data and Consent

3.1. By interacting with, submitting information to, making payments to, volunteering in, signing up for, or participating in any activity organised and/or managed by, BCC, you agree and consent to the collection, use, disclosure of your personal data, in accordance with this Policy.

3.2. If you apply for, and are successfully admitted, as an Associate or Ordinary Member of BCC, you agree and consent to the collection, use, disclosure of your personal data, in accordance with this policy, so long as you retain your membership in BCC.

3.3. BCC may also collect your NRIC number, for the limited purposes stated in Clause 5.: 3.3.1. Issuing of Baptism Certificates, as it may be used for the purposes changing your name or obtaining a private columbarium slot, so as to be able to verify your identity to a high degree of fidelity. If you choose not to furnish your NRIC number, you accept that the church may not be in a position to verify your identity with certainty when requested to do so by third parties.

3.3.2. When BCC is involved in collecting donations on behalf of an Institute of Public Character, and you are making a donation and wish to obtain the applicable tax relief in relation to such donation.

4. Purposes for Collection and Use of Personal Data

4.1. We will collect, use and disclose your personal data to such extent as may be reasonably necessary for the following purposes: 4.1.1. Facilitate the administration, ministry and operations of the Church;

4.1.2. Providing regular updates of church events, information and news;

4.1.3. Engagement of third-party vendors and/or agents for the provision of services e.g. florists, couriers, delivery services, hotels, airlines, undertakers, etc., so as to deliver services to you or for participation in our church programmes;

4.1.4. (Photographic/Video images of church programmes in which you might by captured) in our social media posts, teaching materials or other publications.

4.1.5. Collaboration with our Strategic Partners as and when you participate in events or activities organised by them, or jointly by BCC with them.

5. Confidentiality

5.1. BCC will exercise reasonable diligence to ensure that all personal data is kept confidential and accessible only to authorised personnel who would need such information to fulfil the purposes listed in Clause 4.1.

5.2. BCC will take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal data collected is accurate and is kept secure, both physically and electronically.

6. Withdrawal of Consent

6.1. Subject to Clause 6.2, you may withdraw your consent with respect to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data at any time by sending a formal written request to Brighton Community Church.

6.2. Associate and Ordinary members of the Church may only withdraw their consent to the collection, use or disclosure of their personal data by terminating their membership with the Church.

7. Data Protection Officer

7.1. To contact our Data Protection Officer, please email


12:00 – 12:00 am
