Brighton Kidz

Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

At Brighton Kidz, we seek to raise a generation of God-loving children that loves and reaches out to others for Christ. We not only want to impart the knowledge of God’s word to the children, we also believe in raising children who truly love God and the people around them.

Our children’s programmes cater to the following three age groups:
1.5 - below 3 years old (Spark Class)
3-6 years old (Ray Class)
7-12 years old (Beam Class)

These programmes run every Sunday at 9:15am at Level 5 of Foo Chow Building. Let us know if you’d like to join us this Sunday! Click here to contact us or drop us an email at

If you enjoy working with children, and want to see their lives being transformed by the Word of God, join us now to serve in the Children’s Ministry and be a blessing to the next generation.

Open Positions:
1. Teacher / Assistant Teacher
• Commitment: Able to serve two Sundays a month

2. Transport Volunteers:
• Owns a car
• Able to fetch BSCC children from Macpherson to church at 8:30am, and to send them back to Macpherson after Service.
• Commitment: Able to serve two Sundays a month