New Year Motivations
About This Series

No matter how sincere we are, the truth is most of our new year resolutions crash and burn. How can we find the power to turn good resolutions into concrete results? Start, and end, 2024 differently by finding the greatest incentives you can ever harness for effective change.

Amazing Grace
Part 1 of Amazing Grace
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

Most of us try to motivate ourselves by using greed or guilt. Such motivations are not only self-destructive, they seldom last. The Bible provides us with a far more powerful, and constructive, driving force, which is grace. In this message, we learn how grace can provide us with supernatural power to become the kinds of person we really want to be.


1. Spiritual growth means progressing in practical holiness but yet becoming increasingly broken over our unworthiness. To what degree is that true of your spiritual journey?


2. Are there things you feel dissatisfied with God about? Why is it that our lives are so often not overflowing with joy and gratitude over what God has done?


3. Consider some good intentions you have failed to turn into action. How have you tried to motivate yourself? What would it mean to be inspired to do them by God's amazing grace instead?

January 10, 2024
True Greatness
Part 2 of New Year Motivations
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

We usually think of setting new year resolutions as an exercise in self-improvement, hoping that our desires to live better or look better will incentivise us to work towards our goals. As we know from experience, this seldom works. However, we all share one unique desire which we will naturally pursue with all our strength and never get tired of it. What is it? Find out more about it in this message.


1. When were the times you have sensed God's call on your life? To what extent are you still living in response to that call?



2. How are you serving God's eternal purposes in your generation, especially with regards to his gospel and his church?



3. Who and what are you really living for? Why will living for anything other than God's glory result in futility?

Empowering Group
Part 3 of New Year Motivations
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

You have heard the wise saying: if you want to go fast, run alone; if you want to go far, run together. The problem, however, is that it is very difficult to find and be part of a group to run the race of life with. That is why one of the most underrated, and unapplied, teachings of Christianity is how we can belong to a community that helps us become more than what we could ever be on our own.


1. Why must everyone in a group be committed to turn up before the group can achieve anything meaningful? Why is it so hard to get everyone to be present consistently?


2. To what degree would a new person joining this cell group conclude that you are a caring community? What more can you do to be an encouragement to your fellow cell group members?


3. How does this cell group disturb those who are too comfortable? Share with each person in your cell group how they can grow towards greater love and good deeds.