Built to Last
About This Series
Built to Last
Built to Last
BY Eugene Ang
Sermon Audio

Do you know that we are made for eternity with God? Our destiny really stems from a strong growing faith in Christ. In Built to Last, we will explore how gaining spiritual maturity is critical to building our lives that are meant for eternity.


1. Reflect on the past two years (less if you are a new believer) of your faith journey, how have you been growing in leading a godly life? How have you been growing in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord?


2. Peter wrote to the church to “make every effort to add to our faith..” a list of spiritual fruits in order for growth to happen. What are the fruits from the list of qualities mentioned by Peter that you will want to add to your faith? What practical steps can you take to be the cup with an overflowing faith?


3. If you feel like you have been stagnant in your faith, would you like to share with your cell group the struggles and obstacles you faced that are preventing you from growing? Reflect and discuss as a cell group how we can help one another to run this race and finish well.