About This Series

We often think that happiness in life is all about getting more things but there is more! We cannot experience happiness until we get certain things out of our lives. Find out how you can lead a healthier and happier life!

Part 1 of Detox
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat
Sermon Audio

No matter how much we possess or achieve, we inevitably feel a sense of dissatisfaction or even emptiness within us. Unlike sadness and hopelessness, discontentment can be hard to understand. Instead of getting us to fill our void with continual activities, Christianity tells us a better way to satisfy the restless discontentment within us.


1. Share about a time when you experienced what you thought was ultimate only to discover that it did not satisfy.


2. What are some things that you have been doing to inject meaning and purpose into your life?


3. What does it mean for you practically to live with eternity in mind? What are some changes you may need to make in your life?

May 7, 2022
Part 2 of Detox
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat
Sermon Audio

Forgiving is one of the hardest things to do. While forgiveness is costly to extend, unforgiveness is even costlier to harbour. Is there a way out of this dilemma and for us to receive peace?


1. Are you harbouring unforgiveness towards anyone? Why is it so difficult for you to ‘cancel the debt’ and seek the good of that person?


2. How has your unforgiveness affected you emotionally, relationally and spiritually?


3. What does it mean for you practically to ‘pay the debt yourself’? Where can we find the motivation to forgive?

May 15, 2022
Part 3 of Detox
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat
Sermon Audio

It is said that apathy is the single biggest problem we face today. Our inability to feel interested and concerned about crucial issues not only damages our society, but also diminishes our personal satisfaction in life. More than just doing more, we need to start feeling more.


1. In what ways do you find yourself being disproportionately concerned with trivial matters and feeling indifferent toward the things of God?


2. What content are you saturating your life with? How can you practically discipline yourself to give attention to the right things and people?


3. What is your ambition in life? How does the future glory that you will share with Jesus Christ gives you a better purpose to live for?