What You Really Want
About This Series
August 7, 2022
Enough Until It Isn’t
Part 1 of What You Really Want
Sermon Audio

Stockpiling is the new normal, but it never seems to be enough! What can we do to quell our appetites? Find out Jesus' solution for us!


1. What are you gearing your entire life towards the accumulation of? Why is that so?


2. What are some of your most prized possessions? Under what circumstances would you be willing to give them up?


3. What is your ideal state of contentment? Is there really a gap between where you are now and that ideal?

August 11, 2022
Don’t Fall For It
Part 2 of What You Really Want
Sermon Audio

We can be quickly dismissive of people, yet be blind to our faults. How can we cease such double standards? Find out Jesus' solution for us!


  1. What are some of your biggest triggers in getting upset at someone? Do you often feel that because a trigger is activated, you are justified in your subsequent reactions towards the supposed offender?
  2. Have you tried reaching out to the people who triggered you in the last week/month/year? How much of a difference, having resolved in your heart that proving who is right in the matter is not the most important thing but reconciling is, will make in such a conversation?
  3. Showing love to one another can be scary because it is often not reciprocal. Despite that, how can you show love and hospitality to someone this week?
August 21, 2022
The Man in the Mirror
Part 3 of What You Really Want
Sermon Audio

We struggle to like what we see in the mirror, but not on Instagram. How can we stop feeling inferior? Find out Jesus' solution for us!


1. Is there an instance where a pursuit after the things of the world resulted in you feeling a sense of brokenness and/or emptiness? How did you recover from that?


2. Serving and loving people with the gifts God has given you according to His grace can be terrifying at times. However, you are already a blessing to your community and how do you want to continu e to be so, acknowledging as Paul did, that God’s grace is sufficient for you?


3. With a glorious hope to joyfully look forward to and the righteousness of Christ covering you to be grateful for, how would you want to centre the way you live your life on earth in preparation for what is to come?