December Speakers
December Speakers
About This Series
This December season we have the privilege of hearing from guest speakers, Pastor Andrew Yeo, Pastor Lim Lip Yong, Rev. Dr. William Wan as well as our very own Pastor Alywin and Pastor Tiak. Join us and listen in for an exciting word from all our speakers.
December 10, 2017
The Battle For Our Identity
Part 2 of December Speakers
Sermon Audio
  • 1. Consider also for a moment, where you are today in terms of your job, the school you are in, the neighbourhood you live in and other significant locations in your life. List down some of the reasons why God place you in these places. If you are uncertain, take some time to pray and ask the Lord to shed light to you in regards to this.
  • 2. Here’s a simple exercise, write down something about each person in your cell group in answer to the following question: -I have been blessed by you when you ______________________________.
    Often times, we will discover somethings that people consistently are blessed by when we do those things. These are likely where our gifting and talents lie and it will point us to the placement that God has given to us.
  • 3. Very often, we may behave differently when we are being watched than when we know we are all alone. Integrity is about maintaining a consistent moral standard whether we are being watched by people or not. But unless we know that we belong to the Lord and are part of His kingdom, we might well behave as though we are still part of this world.Here is where some sensitiveness is required. I want to encourage you to write down a list of private struggles that you might have. These are problems that are hidden that people around you may not be aware of. They are things that you don’t want people to know about. Begin by confessing these weaknesses to the Lord and asking Him to help you overcome these areas. Once you are ready, approach your cell group leader and ask them to pray for you in these areas.
  • 4. The battle of position is unlike the battle of ministry. In the battle of position, we realize that we all have different talents and we are not created the same. There are some things that we can do well but others that we cannot. The important thing is to realize what we are designed to do and to stick to th e things we do well.When it comes to the battle of ministry, we may well be able to do something but are not called to do it. That is where we need to ask the Lord to show us what we are supposed to be doing in each season of our lives. As the season of our lives change, our ministry may change as well. It is hence important to always be asking the Lord what we should be doing NOW.
    Take some time and ask the Lord and then write down a list of the 5 most important things that you should be doing now in your life. For some, it might be a focus on studies. Others, the Lord may be speaking to us about our aging parents. Still others, the Lord may speak about participating in a particular ministry in church.

December 18, 2017
Jesus Christ is Coming to Town
Part 3 of December Speakers
Sermon Audio
  • 1. Reflect on your daily schedule. How has your busyness caused you to be unconscious of your daily journey with Jesus?
  • 2. Is Jesus the king who sits on the throne of your life? Or do you just want him to meet your needs?
  • 3. In what ways do you think you try to “remove” Jesus from your life and build your own kingdom? How has that been working out for you?
December 31, 2017
Resolved to be Godly
Part 5 of December Speakers
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What is your passion? Is it a particular sport or music? Is it a hobby or investment? How much time do you spend thinking about those things, getting involved in those things compared to the time you spend in your passion for God? What can you start to recalibrate that?
  • 2. Try this. Close your eyes and meditate on the majesty, the glory, the holiness of God. Take 10 minutes (someone keep time). Now open your eyes and share what comes to your mind. Was it easy to focus on God? What are the distractions? What are the interfering thoughts?
  • 3. How can we practice the presence of God in the world of many distractions? Where do you start? Where can you go for help?
  • 4. William Borden of Yale died at 25. His influence was immense. He was truly a godly man by our definition. Read his brief bio here ( and list practical things he did that contributed or reflected his godliness. How can you apply them to your life?
December 24, 2017
Everyday Christmas
Part 4 of December Speakers
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. How conscious and confident are you of God’s abiding presence in your life? How can such knowledge shape our everyday lives?
  • 2. Why should God be against you? How do you know that he is for you instead? What practical difference does that make for you?
  • 3. What’s wrong with the popular idea that Christmas is a time to give or to share? What should it be instead for followers of Jesus Christ?