About This Series
For most people, whether Christian or not, the test of God’s reality and relevance is not philosophical or theological; it is practical: does this God answer my prayers? That’s what makes unanswered prayer so challenging to faith. Come and find out why God sometimes chooses to say no, and how we can remove the obstacles to answered prayers.
First Things First
Part 1 of Unanswered
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What is the posture of you heart towards God when you approach him in prayer? Why is his greatness both a warning as well as an encouragement to us?
  • 2. What does your prayer life say about whether you really hallow God’s name? What do you hallow if it is not God’s name? Why might God not answer your prayers if you do not hallow his name?
  • 3. How do you feel about God when he doesn’t say yes to what you desperately desire? How can we know that God still loves us when he withholds from us what we think we really need?
March 10, 2019
Part 2 of Unanswered
Sermon Audio
  • 1. Is it wrong to ask God for good things for yourself? What are some good things you are asking God for? What is your motive?
  • 2. If God accepts us fully and freely on the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice, why won’t he answer our prayers when we cherish sin in our hearts? Are there any sins you need to confess and repent of?
  • 3. What is the relationship between unforgiveness and prayer? Are there people you need to forgive from your heart? How can you repay the wrong they have done to you with blessing?
March 17, 2019
Keep On Praying
Part 3 of Unanswered
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. How does Paul communicate the importance and urgency of regular prayer in the Ephesians passage? In the light of his divinely-inspired revelation, what would you like to see happen in your prayer life?
  • 2. Come up with a plan to develop a habitual prayer pattern in your life and share it with your CG.
    • When and where will you pray?
    • How long will you pray?
    • How will you remind yourself?
    • How will you keep track of your progress?
    • What distractions must you remove?
  • 3. Discuss, and decide on, how you can help each other in the CG to grow in prayer.