Happy New You
About This Series

There is something even more valuable than living a good life. It is becoming a good person. When our time here on earth is up, what really matters, and what the people around us will remember us for, is not how much you achieved, but what kind of person you were. This series is based on the book of James in the Bible, and it will explain how we can grow to become the best person that we can be.

Growing Through Adversity
Part 2 of Happy New You
Sermon Audio

Adversity is something we tend to avoid. Life is better when things are smooth sailing, is it? Yet, James tells us to consider it pure joy whenever we go through trials of many kinds. They are an active ingredient in the refinement of our faith and character! Instead of avoiding, let’s equip ourselves in growing through adversity from the Word of God.Share about a trial that you chose to go through in joy and the subsequent growth lessons you learnt.


1. Share about the wisdom you need for an area in your life and how the CG can pray for you.


2. Share how the promise of the crown of life gives you the desire and courage to persevere under trial in this life.


3. Share how the promise of the crown of life gives you the desire and courage to persevere under trial in this life.

February 3, 2022
Winning Over Temptation
Part 3 of Happy New You
BY Pastor Tammie Chng

All of us face temptations of many kinds, each offering different enticements to lure us away from a faithful and purposeful walk with God. Some disguise themselves as micro-decisions we must make daily, while others appear in a very timely manner at pivotal points of our lives where the stakes of making bad decisions are high. The good news is that the Bible promises that every temptation can be overcome. In this message, we’ll learn how we can gain victory over temptations, even when they seem beyond what we can bear.


1. Share about a temptation you faced recently and your response to it.


2. Describe how the temptation works on you according to James’ explanation o f the process of sin.


3. What motivation does the gospel provide you to overcome temptation and how do you want to respond differently?

Doing Good Works
Part 4 of Happy New You
BY Lee Chin Teck

One of the key themes of the book of James is that genuine Christian faith will produce authentic deeds. In this message, we will discover the posture we should take when we listen and receive the word of God. And how it should produce growth and change in our lives, as we unpack the passage in James 1:19-27 together.


1. As we consider the passage from James 1:19-21, let’s reflect and share with our CG if we have allowed anger, moral filth, evil or the slowness on our part in listening the word of God or “our points of views” about the word of God to inhibit us from producing a harvest of righteousness.


2. Share and discuss with our CG how we read the bible on a regular basis. Reflect and consider how we can improve and use the word of God more effectively like a mirror to bring about lasting change as described in James 1:22-25.


3. Let’s reflect and consider if we have exercised constructive speech in the workplace, family or in the CG- engaging in words that build each other up rather than tearing each other down. And let’s share how we can help each other and grow in the area of caring for the underprivileged in this new year.

Loving Your Neighbour
Part 5 of Happy New You
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng

None of us likes to be discriminated against, and yet we are seldom aware of the ways in which we subtly discriminate against others. In this message, we learn why God hates discrimination, and how Christianity presents a more compelling vision and motivation for inclusivity than any other movement.


1. How does the way God measure people’s worth differ from the way of the world? To what extent has the world’s perspective influenced the way you appraise the value of other people?


2. How have you practised favouritism and what is your motive for doing it? How should becoming a Christian radically transform the way we treat other people?


3. What gives us the power to overcome our tendency to show favouritism?

February 16, 2022
Walking the Talk
Part 6 of Happy New You
BY Pastor Tammie Chng

James teaches that there is faith that saves and faith that is dead. How do we know which is the kind of faith we possess? James makes it clear that it is by our deeds. What then are the deeds that characterize saving faith? Let’s dive into the book of James and find out!


1. How would you explain the relationship between faith, works and salvation?


2. Share about a positive change in your life (that flows out of your faith) that those around you would have noticed.


3. Out of the 3 aspects of saving faith, which is God prompting you to grow in?

Taming Your Tongue
Part 7 of Happy New You

Words maketh the man. Our tongues reveal what's deep in our hearts. Although we may not always like what we find, all hope is not lost! Find out this Sunday how we can redeem the tongue and use it for God's glory!


1. How has being a Christian changed the way you used your tongue? What do you think the people around you would say about that?


2. What are some hurtful words people have said to you, and which you have said to people that you will remember for a long time? How would you handle that situation differently if you could go back in time?


3. How have you used your tongue to praise God and yet disparage people made in his image? How do you want to improve in the way you use your tongue?

February 22, 2022
Gaining True Wisdom
Part 8 of Happy New You
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat

All of us want to become wiser. People almost always defines wisdom by how much a person knows but it is so much more than that. The Bible tells us that the true wisdom that comes from heaven will not only improve our lives but transform our communities for the better. Come find out how you can receive it!


1.What is the world’s definition of ‘wise’? How is it different from the way James defines wisdom?


2. Deeds are the proof of not just authentic faith but genuine wisdom as well. Do you find yourself living out the qualities listed in verse 17?


3. Share about a relationship in your life that has changed you. How can we receive the wisdom that comes from heaven?

February 27, 2022
Building Good Relationships
Part 9 of Happy New You
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

James tackles one of the most profound and practical questions that is as old as human existence: what is the cause of conflict? What makes individuals, groups and even nations fall out with, or even attack, each other? Not only does James disagree with conventional wisdom, his answer provides us with the only effective means to achieve the peace we all long for in our relationships.


1.  Why is harmonious relationship with fellow believers one of the most important hallmarks of genuine faith? How would you say you have improved in the way you relate to your brothers and sisters over time? 


2. Who are the people you have differences or conflicts with (do be honest about not rationalising)? If you have been genuinely converted, what practical steps should you be taking to try and resolve them?


3.  What is the sin of slander? How can we as a cell group create an environment that encourages members to speak well of others rather than speak against them?

March 5, 2022
Living Without Pride
Part 10 of Happy New You
BY Lam Sin Ming
Sermon Audio

We have all met prideful people and complained about how irritating it is to be around them. Yet, if we are honest, we must admit that pride lurks without our own hearts too. In this message we will explore the issue of pride and what it means to be living without pride.


1. Name one thing in your life that is occupying much of your thoughts and energy. How have you seen this thing disrupting the friendship between you and God? 


2. Share a challenging episode of your life and how you tried to solve the problem yourself. What would God “lifting you up” mean to you in that circumstance?


3. Identify something personal that you’re proud of and share why you are so proud of it. How should you look at this thing through the lens of “God’s Will”? 


March 20, 2022
Persevering Through Suffering
Part 12 of Happy New You
Sermon Audio

As James reaches the end of his letter, he circles back to what he started with: how a person with genuine faith responds to difficult times. Just as he exhorts us to consider it pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, he now calls us to have patience to persevere through suffering. Let’s find out this Sunday how we can do so as we eagerly await the return of our Lord.


1. What have you learnt from James’ use of the analogy of a patient farmer? How does that help you to be patient and stand firm until the Lord’s coming?


2. What makes us grumble and what are the consequences of grumbling? What would you do to guard against it?


3.What were some moments when you found it difficult to trust that God is good and that you will be blessed if you persevered? How does James’ exhortation encourage you?


March 25, 2022
Deepening In Prayer
Part 13 of Happy New You
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

Over the last 12 weeks, we have been learning from James about the different ways authentic faith must be demonstrated in practical action. In this message, we conclude the series with the final mark of genuine belief, which is an active and effective prayer life. Open your ears and hearts to learn from the final part of James as you listen to Pastor Tiak’s message entitled: Deepening in Prayer. 


1. Why is it important for Christians to pray with and for each other? How can you put this into greater practice as a cell group?


2. How have you been discouraged by unanswered prayers? What is James' challenge to you so that your prayers may become more effective?


3. How is your prayer life? How much is it woven into the fabric of your daily life? How regularly and fervently do you pray? How can you cultivate a prayer habit? What are some hindrances you need to get rid of?