Truth with Love
Truth with Love
About This Series
Gay rights has become a supercharged issue polarising societies. Unfortunately, there is a lot more condemnation, lobbying and name-calling on both sides than rational thinking and civilised discussion. This series seeks to show that to address the question adequately, we have to grapple with bigger concepts like justice, morality and the nature of ultimate reality.
Hear both Sides
Part 1 of Truth with Love
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. Why do you think homosexuality has become such a controversial and divisive issue, when homosexuals make up only a very small proportion (about 2%) of the population? What do you think people who advocate gay rights really desire?
  • 2. On what basis do you think that homosexuality is wrong? What have you done to be sure that you are really correct in your belief?
  • 3. How do you view and treat gay people? How can we be a church community that they would want to come to and feel accepted as real people?
September 15, 2019
Who Decides?
Part 2 of Truth with Love
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What do people usually rely on for deciding what is right and wrong? What are the limitations with regards to such methods? How do you personally decide whether something is right or wrong?
  • 2. Despite the differences people have in their moral views, what does our shared belief that there is such a thing as absolute moral standards tell us? What implication does this have for determining the morality of sexual conduct, whether heterosexual or homosexual?
  • 3. If the God of the Bible is the absolute Lawgiver who determines what is right and wrong, what does the gospel tell us about him that motivates us to want to obey his laws?
September 22, 2019
Sexuality and Reality
Part 3 of Truth with Love
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What is your views on sex and what factors do you think shaped them? How does it compare with the biblical vision of sex that you heard in the sermon?
  • 2. What were the 2 ways mentioned in the message about the hope that the gospel holds out for overcoming our sexual brokenness, whether it is for gay or straight people? How are they relevant to you personally?
  • 3. How can we as a community uphold and help each other walk in counter-cultural sexual purity?