Coming Out
Coming Out
About This Series
The modern view of religion is that it is fine to have your personal religious beliefs so long as you keep them to yourself, and never suggest that religion has something to say about how society ought to be run. This series addresses the inherent contradictions and unworkability of such a view, and explains why Christians should speak out confidently about their faith.
January 6, 2019
I’m Not Ashamed
Part 1 of Coming Out
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. If you are a Christian but not telling your friends enthusiastically and naturally about Christ, what does it say about either the way you are conducting your relationship or the reality of your faith?
  • 2. What is the key difference in the focus of the gospel in contrast to all other religions? What are we really asking people to do?
  • 3. What are some fears that stop you from being a more outspoken witness? What enabled the woman, and what will enable you, to overcome your fear of being ridiculed or rejected for publicly sharing Christ?
January 20, 2019
Inclusive Exclusivity
Part 2 of Coming Out
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What may be some things that prevent you from sharing the gospel openly with those around you? How do you respond to the popular assertion that all religions are equally valid ways to God and therefore no one should insist that his beliefs are right and everyone else is wrong?
  • 2. The modern view is that we should make laws and policies purely on the basis of what works, and totally exclude religious views and beliefs. Why is this idea itself unworkable?
  • 3. Why is Christianity able to promote inclusivity even though it preaches exclusive beliefs? How can you improve in the way you communicate the goods news of Christ and also love the people in your workplace/school, especially those who disagree with your beliefs?
January 26, 2019
Revolutionary Revolution
Part 3 of Coming Out
Sermon Audio
  • 1. How did Jesus set out to change this world and make it a better place? How is it different from the way other people try to do it?
  • 2. What is your attitude towards serving other people when there is no tangible benefit or reward for yourself? What more is God asking you to do to serve others?
  • 3. How much do you feel the need to be recognised by people? How upset do you get when you are unappreciated, forgotten or criticised, despite your efforts? What does your response reveal?
  • 4. What might be some inconveniences, discomfort, costs or disruptions that you decline to take on even though you know it would benefit the people around you? How does Jesus’ sacrifice for you speak to your reluctance?