Really Doing Good
Really Doing Good
About This Series
Doing good can only be truly good if it is done out of purely unselfish motives. We need first to have our hearts transformed and then go out and make a real and positive difference in our broken world.
August 2, 2020
Have a Heart
Part 1 of Really Doing Good
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What proportion of your income do you give to the poor? How have you been loving your neighbour? How have you failed to love your neighbour in the way that the Good Samaritan has demonstrated?
  • 2. What is Jesus’ teaching point in the parable? How does it radically differ from the teaching of all other religions?
  • 3. How is the good work that many people and corporations engage in not ‘really’ good? To what extent has your heart been transformed by the love of God to really do good?
August 9, 2020
Lend a Hand
Part 2 of Really Doing Good
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What do the widows, orphans, foreigners and the poor have in common? How do you think God feels about the glaring inequality between different groups of people in the world today? How do you feel about it?
  • 2. What does the Old Testament teach us about doing good that is radically different from the world’s concept of charity? How does it speak to you personally?
  • 3. What practical actions are you going to take after hearing this message to really do good?
August 16, 2020
Light a Hope
Part 3 of Really Doing Good
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What does the Bible tell us about the value God places on our physical bodies and physical environment? What implications does this have on our response to the suffering all around us in our broken world?
  • 2. How has Christianity influenced the course of your life for the better? How does it provide hope in this life for people who are downtrodden and disadvantaged?
  • 3. What is wrong with doing good works without preaching good news? How can you preach the gospel where God has now planted you, despite the restrictions or barriers that you face?