Fatal Attraction
Fatal Attraction
About This Series
Few of us think that we have a problem with idolatry, even though we all have idols in our hearts that we love and depend on, without realising they enslave and will eventually destroy us. This series explains the danger of idolatry and how we can be set free.
Understanding Idolatry
Part 1 of Fatal Attraction
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What would you list as the best and most precious things in your life? Why are they so important or valuable to you? How can you honestly search yourself to check if you are turning them into idols?
  • 2. What clues did the speaker give for detecting idolatry? When you apply them to your life, what do they tell you? Ask your CG members to tell you lovingly and truthfully what you might possibly be in danger of setting up as idols.
  • 3. What drives all of us to choose idols over God? How are we tempted to do that? How have you been tempted to do that?
July 11, 2021
The Problem with Idolatry
Part 2 of Fatal Attraction
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. Why does Jeremiah use such explicit sexual imagery to depict idolatry? How does this make you feel about the false gods you worship?
  • 2. Share about some ways in which the pursuit of false gods has caused you to behave in irresponsible/unwise ways, made you feel deep anger/anxiety, or caused conflict/harm to your relationships?
  • 3. Have you relied on things or people in your life as ultimate things and experienced the devastation of them letting you down? Why does idolatry always end eventually in futility?
July 18, 2021
The Solution to Idolatry
Part 3 of Fatal Attraction
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What are some ways you have justified and rationalised what is in truth idolatry? What are some of the deeper issues in your life that make you prone to worshipping those idols?
  • 2. How does the gospel address the fundamental issue that drives all idol worship? What are some practical steps we can take to keep the gospel the main point in our lives?
  • 3. When you stand before God on that final day, what would you want to be able to know that you have done with your life? How can you get started?