Beyond: Compelled By Love

Beyond: Compelled By Love
About This Series

Studies show that while most pastors want the church to reach unbelievers, most church members are more concerned about how the church can meet their own needs. In this series, we will explain why Christianity is truly good news that we simply must not keep to ourselves.

Utter Hopelessness
Part 1 of Beyond: Compelled By Love
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Discussion Questions
  1. How motivated are you to share the gospel with the unbelievers in your life? What do you really think about their condition and eternal destiny?
  2. The Bible says unbelievers are living in bondage. How does this affect the way you view your unbelieving friends, especially those who appear successful and happy?
  3. Without Christ, unbelievers are headed for eternal destruction. As we go through this series, let’s share with one another about the people whose salvation we want to see. List at least 2 family members and 2 friends that you especially don’t want to end up in hell. Pray for opportunities and boldness to share the gospel with them.
October 10, 2021
Eternal Goodness
Part 2 of Beyond: Compelled By Love
BY Pastor Tan Li Kai
Sermon Audio
  1. How do you think you can commit to play a part in sharing with those who do not yet know Christ about the hope they need in Him as the true antidote to their current suffering?
  2. In Christ, we have an incomparably glorious hope. How does knowing tha t for yourself help you to trust in the eternal goodness of God in your life no matter the circumstance?
  3. Anyone can take hold of the hope we have in Christ and His eternal goodness. As we go through this series, let’s share with one another about the people whose salvation we want to see. List at least 2 family members and 2 friends that you would want to be with forever and ever in the Holy City. Pray for opportunities and boldness to share the gospel with them.
October 17, 2021
Profound Gratitude
Part 3 of Beyond: Compelled By Love
BY Pastor Alywin Oh
Sermon Audio
  1. Take some time to reflect on the amazing grace of Jesus Christ shown on the cross. In your own words, share with your cell group how that leads to gratitude in your heart.
  2. Out of gratitude for Christ’s love and sacrifice for you, think of something practical that you will do for someone else that will reflect God’s goodness in your life.
  3. What are some fears you have that hinder you from sharing the gospel, inviting people to church, or even making it obvious that you’re a Christian with your family, friends or colleagues? Share with the cell group whether you desire to overcome those fears, and how they can practically partner you to grow in your gratitude for the cross and to live courageously for the good news of Jesus Christ.
October 24, 2021
Awesome Responsibility
Part 4 of Beyond: Compelled By Love
BY Pastor Sally Tan
Sermon Audio
  1. Do you remember a time when you felt compelled by the love of God to reach out to unbelievers? What was the effect on your life and the people around you?
  2. How should the knowledge that we are God’s ambassadors guide how we live and interact with our family and friends? Share one thing you will do for your family and friends as an ambassador of Christ by this Christmas.
  3. As Christ’s ambassadors, let’s share with one another about the people whose salvation we want to see and the action we want to take. List at least 2 family members and 2 friends that you would want to be with forever and ever in eternity. Pray for opportunities and boldness to share the gospel with them.