End of Religion
End of Religion
About This Series
We often hear people say that all religions are basically the same. However, a closer examination of Christianity reveals that it uniquely challenges and abolishes the basic features we find in all other religions. More than that, Christianity helps us understand that religion is man’s futile efforts to reach up to God, when God has in fact graciously reached down to man.
Where is the Temple?
Part 1 of End of Religion
  • 1. Do you often feel that God is far away or that you are not worthy to approach him? Read Hebrews 10:19-22. What does the bible tell us about access to God and invite us to do? How are you going to respond to the invitation?
  • 2. If you are a Christian, what special reasons does the bible give you for upholding sexual purity?
  • 3. Read 1 Corinthians 3:16 again. Why does God react so strongly to disunity in the church? How can we promote unity within the CG and the church?
April 14, 2019
Who are the Priests?
Part 2 of End of Religion
Sermon Audio
  • 1. If you are not a full-time minister, do you feel that your job is less spiritual or less important to God? From a biblical perspective, what is the difference between full-time Christian ministers and people who work in other jobs?
  • 2. What does the ‘priesthood of all believers’ mean? How are you practically being a priest to your fellow believers?
  • 3. What was God’s purpose for delivering and blessing the Israelites, and how did they fare? What crucial lesson must we learn from that as a church?
April 21, 2019
What about the Sacrifices?
Part 3 of End of Religion
Sermon Audio
  • 1. Explain how all human beings seek salvation through offering sacrifices, whether through a formal religion or otherwise. How does Christ put an end to the need for such sacrifices?
  • 2. Discuss the essential differences between performance-salvation and salvation-based performance. What is each motivated by? How do they feel different? What outcomes do they lead to?
  • 3. What kind of salvation-based sacrifices are Christians called specifically to offer? How can you offer up better sacrifices in practical terms?