Pain Management
About This Series

One of the most common objections that people have against Christianity is the presence of pain. If God is a good and powerful Heavenly Father, why would he allow his children to suffer? Rather than offering a merely philosophical answer to that question, this series explores how Christianity enables us to find comfort, purpose and hope even as we go through suffering.

Why is There Suffering?
Part 1 of Pain Management
BY Pastor Tammie Chng
Sermon Audio

Horrible things happen all the time. We see and read about it on social media and the news. In the midst of all the questions, one stands out: Why? Why did this happen? Is there an answer to the why question?


1. Share about a time you were tempted by lies and untruths about God’s rules. Were you able to resist them? Why or why not?


2. Is there a painful experience in your life that is a result of a wrong choice you made? Why did you make that decision knowing its negative consequences?


3. Have you felt helpless and angry when you see a loved one or good friend suffering from things beyond their control? How do you reconcile their situation with the existence of God?

September 10, 2023
Can Good Come Out of Bad?
Part 2 of Pain Management
BY Pastor Tammie Chng
Sermon Audio

Life in a broken world is filled with trials, disappointments, and setbacks, leaving us pondering a timeless question: can anything good emerge from our hardships? The answer is more important than you think because it determines both our perspective and approach towards life’s challenges.


1. How has the suffering you faced developed greater compassion in you towards others? How has it also enabled you to bring comfort to them?


2. Share about a painful situation that you had to go through and how you have grown as a result.


3. What are you really putting your confidence in? How would you feel if it is suddenly taken away from you?

September 15, 2023
Is There Hope Beyond Suffering?
Part 3 of Pain Management
BY Pastor Tammie Chng
Sermon Audio

Even if we can endure the worst pain and suffering, deep down we don’t want it to be the way our story ends. All of us yearn for a happy ending, especially during difficult times. Is there a certainty that things can end well? Where do we find that hope?


1. What do you dislike most in this life and wish that you could change? How can you respond differently to it because you are a Christian?


2. Have you experienced a distressing health condition in yourself or a loved one? How did you feel and how did you respond?


3. What is your view of heaven? How does it influence the way you live your earthly life?