Yes, Again
About This Series

In our lives, we have invariably said "Yes" to something or someone and got started on a certain pursuit. However with time, we all get distracted and jaded. When life presents the opportunity to say "Yes" again, would you seize it? Let's look at Caleb’s life for some inspiration.

1. In Caleb's wholehearted pursuit of God, he was continually vigorous even when others wavered.

What is one area of your life where you want to demonstrate such wholehearted pursuit of God?

2. Caleb's expectation transcended time and reflected a big God. Share one great expectation in your life that reflects the same.

3. Share about someone who has inspired vou. How would vou live vour ite differentv so that vou can be an inspiration to others?

Yes, Again
Yes, Again
BY Lam Sin Ming
Sermon Audio

In our lives, we have invariably said "Yes" to something or someone and got started on a certain pursuit. However with time, we all get distracted and jaded. When life presents the opportunity to say "Yes" again, would you seize it? Let's look at Caleb’s life for some inspiration.


1.In Caleb's wholehearted pursuit of God, he was continually vigorous even when others wavered.

What is one area of your life where you want to demonstrate such wholehearted pursuit of God?


2. Caleb's expectation transcended time and reflected a big God. Share one great expectation in your life that reflects the same.


3. Share about someone who has inspired vou. How would vou live vour ite differentv so that vou can be an inspiration to others?